Hair Color


ELEMENTS 5' - 60 ml

Elements 5’
Dyeing system for men is an innovative DEMERAL’s formula to elegantly mask white hair and get a subtle, male color result.

Elements 5’ brings color to white hair and mask it in 5 minutes giving a „worldly wise“ natural effect.
Formulated to perfectly match the man’s need it colors in 5 minutes and does not contain ammonia
The color contrasts the lack of shine and the unpleasant yellowish effects and when washed out shampoo after shampoo it gives a more subtle and natural look.

The formula of the 6 nuances of Elements 5’ is ammonia free, it is enriched with Ceramide and Gingseng Extract and contains pigments of last generation that grant a cool, male result and avoid reddish effects
White hair is hidden with male, cool tones
Professional treatment. Ask your DEMERAL hairdresser for a personalized consultancy to choose the most suitable hair color for you.
The color gradually soften in 5-6 weeks
Size: tube 60ml